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Imagine someone needs a heart transplant and scientists take cells from that person to create an entirely new heart for them. This scenario, once considered science fiction is now becoming a reality thanks to groundbreaking advancements in technology. 

In 2024, the healthcare industry is at the forefront of innovation, with transformative healthcare IT industry trends reshaping the way we approach patient care, medical research, and disease management. From artificial intelligence and telemedicine to bioprinting and nanotechnology, the possibilities seem limitless.

Healthcare Technology Market Overview and Current State

The healthcare sector has made incredible progress in recent years, but the speed of its growth today is great.

We're seeing new technologies, fresh ideas, and greater automation reshaping the field.

What once seemed impossible—drones delivering medical supplies, stem-cell treatments for diabetes, handheld ultrasound devices, and virtual reality aiding in rehabilitation—are now becoming everyday realities.

The rapid growth of the healthcare services market dictates a lot of future and current trends to meet evolving patient expectations and respond to global healthcare challenges.

healthcare IT market size

Top Healthcare Technology Trends

Now, let’s have a look at tech trends in healthcare that are expected to gain traction in 2024 and help healthcare organizations enhance their operations.

We made a list of 10 technological trends in healthcare that are not just a fad but are expected to be a part of industry operations in the near future.

# 3D Bioprinting

One of the latest technology trends in healthcare is bioprinting.

3D bioprinting is a technology where the bionics are mixed with living cells and printed in 3D to build natural-like three-dimensional structures.

The researchers of Tel Aviv University have already produced the world's first bioprinted human heart using a patient's own cells and biomaterials. At this stage, the bioprinted heart was small, the size of a rabbit’s heart, but large human hearts require the usage of the same technology.

For people suffering from end-stage heart failure, heart transplantation frequently represents the sole treatment option. With thousands of people awaiting organs, the shortage leads to an average of twenty deaths daily in the United States due to insufficient organ availability.

Bioprinting technology also holds potential in crafting artificial retinas, offering hope to the 30 million individuals globally affected by degenerative retinal conditions. One method involves layering a light-activated protein and a binder on a film to produce these artificial retinas. Researchers hypothesized that films produced in microgravity would exhibit greater stability and enhanced optical clarity compared to those formed under the influence of Earth's gravity.

However, organ and tissue regeneration is not the only application of 3D bioprinting in medicine and science. Here are other areas where the technology finds use:

3D bioprinting

# Nanomedicine

Nanomedicine holds promise in early detection of diseases, disease prevention, and enhancing medical diagnostics and effective treatments across various illnesses, including cancer and beyond. Currently, there are hundreds of products undergoing clinical trials in areas like cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, musculoskeletal, and inflammatory diseases. 

It’s safe to say that nanomedicine is one of the healthcare technology trends 2024. With its impact extending across healthcare domains, nanomedicine boasts approximately 80 marketed products, spanning nano-delivery systems, pharmaceuticals, medical imaging, accurate diagnoses, and biomaterials. 

So, how does it work?

Nanomedicine operates at the nanoscale, utilizing nanoparticles and nanodevices to interact with biological systems at the molecular and cellular levels. These nanomaterials are engineered to perform specific functions, such as drug delivery, imaging, or sensing, within the body.

For example, nanoparticles can be designed to encapsulate drugs and deliver them to targeted sites in the body, such as tumors or inflamed tissues. The nanoparticles can be functionalized with targeting ligands to recognize and bind to specific cells or tissues, enhancing drug uptake and reducing off-target effects. The illustrations for this are liposomal formulations like Doxil and Abraxane that are already approved by the FDA for the treatment of cancer. These formulations use liposomes (nanoscale vesicles) to deliver chemotherapy drugs to tumors, reducing systemic toxicity and improving therapeutic efficacy.

In imaging, nanoparticles serve as contrast agents that enhance the visualization of tissues and organs in medical imaging techniques like MRI, CT scans, and fluorescence imaging. These nanoparticles can be engineered to accumulate preferentially in diseased tissues, allowing for the detection of abnormalities with high sensitivity and specificity.

Here are the key applications of nanomedicine:


# Digital Twins                    

digital twins in healthcare

A digital twin has already become one of the tech trends in healthcare that harnesses real-time data to collect information about diverse processes and concepts, projecting a virtual simulation of almost anything, from replicas of biological systems to individual patients.

It serves as a sort of "test dummy" that healthcare professionals can utilize to predict patients' responses to specific medications or how they will recuperate from surgery, among other scenarios.

Moving beyond mere computer screens, digital twins are expected to evolve into AI-powered holographic images assigned various tasks. Here are some ways digital twins can be applied in the medical metaverse:

  1. Crafting personalized models of individual patients, taking into account their genetic makeup, medical history, and lifestyle. This enables healthcare professionals to tailor treatment plans and interventions based on each patient's unique characteristics.
  2. Allowing surgeons to practice and refine complex surgical procedures by creating a virtual replica of a patient's anatomy before the actual operation.
  3. Modeling the progression of diseases within the human body, aiding in understanding disease dynamics, predicting complications, and testing treatment strategies.
  4. Assisting in drug development by simulating the response of virtual patients to medications, thereby enabling researchers to assess effectiveness and side effects before clinical trials.
  5. Modeling the movements and responses of patients undergoing rehabilitation or using prosthetics, aiding in the design of personalized rehabilitation programs, and optimizing the fit and function of prosthetic devices.

# Virtual Hospitals                  

virtual hospitals

As telemedicine progresses, the physical barriers between doctors and patients become more invisible. Yet, video consultations still lack the personal touch of face-to-face visits.

Here enters the concept of virtual hospitals. These digital facilities replicate the look of real medical settings, enabling patients and healthcare providers to engage in virtual consultations using avatars.

Additionally, this concept may incorporate telepresence technologies, allowing healthcare providers represented by avatars to virtually "visit" patients in their homes.

Patients with similar health conditions can join support groups and communities to share experiences and provide emotional support. Meanwhile, doctors can collaborate with peers, discuss cases, and master their skills using 3D models and simulations.

Of course, it isn’t a matter of a year or two when virtual hospitals become a part of our healthcare routine but it’ll likely become one of the technological trends in healthcare in the near future.

# Telepsyhiatry

Virtual mental health consultations have surged among prominent technology trends in healthcare industry, outpacing other specialties in 2024 with a notable 37% of mental health visits occurring online by the third quarter. 

This shift is critical as mental health issues continue to escalate, exacerbated by a shortage of healthcare providers. In the United States alone, one in five adults reports unmet mental health needs, highlighting the pressing need for accessible care. Telemedicine serves as a vital solution, offering convenient avenues for mental health and substance use treatment. 

Through regular check-ins, therapy sessions, and real-time monitoring, telemedicine helps prevent the worsening of substance-related disorders and mental health challenges. By removing traditional barriers to seeking help, virtual appointments foster a supportive environment where individuals can address concerns before they escalate.

# Artificial Intelligence 

AI is poised to revolutionize drug development, offering immense potential to accelerate the traditionally slow process of discovering new medicines. Historically, it has taken up to 26 months to initiate clinical trials, but AI can drastically reduce this timeframe by forecasting optimal drug candidates and crafting customized medications tailored to specific targets. Notably, the first drug entirely designed through AI has entered clinical trials in China, with projections suggesting that AI could introduce 50 new therapies within the next decade, potentially saving billions in development costs annually.

Additionally, AI is making notable strides in healthcare diagnostics and treatment, as evidenced by the FDA's approval of numerous AI-enabled medical devices. These range from smartwatch sensors capable of detecting atrial fibrillation to advanced algorithms for disease detection through image reconstruction. These innovative tools promise to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility in healthcare.

Furthermore, medical facilities are developing direct-to-patient solutions for triaging and offering advice through voice or chat-based interactions, ensuring swift and scalable access to address basic questions and medical concerns. This approach has the potential to reduce unnecessary visits to general practitioners, easing the burden on primary healthcare providers. Moreover, it can provide essential guidance to populations in remote or underserved areas, where access to medical expertise may be limited.

AI in healthcare

# Virtual Reality in Healthcare

Virtual Reality in Healthcare  

The era when VR was exclusively linked to gaming has passed. Nowadays, it's walked various aspects of life and become one of the tech trends in healthcare. This cutting-edge technology is widely used in fields like physical therapy, medical training, and stress management programs.

Surgeons are already using virtual and augmented reality innovations not just to conduct pre-operative examinations of organs but also to navigate 3D models of intricate surgical procedures.

Through interactive VR technologies, doctors and medical students can fully immerse themselves in a virtual environment, where they can assess patients, review medical histories, diagnose ailments, and prescribe treatments. They can engage with patients' families and simulate emergency scenarios, with students receiving feedback on their performance afterward.

On a global scale, companies like Oxford Medical Simulation offer platforms featuring scenarios across various medical specialties, including community health, psychiatry, pediatrics, nursing, and medicine.

According to a Harvard Business Review study, the adoption of these technologies led to a 230% surge in surgeons' productivity compared to traditionally trained counterparts.

Blockchain in Healthcare

Blockchain technology plays a crucial role in mitigating risks associated with healthcare data security by securely encrypting and transferring extensive datasets, managing medicine supply chains, and even preventing outbreaks of harmful diseases. 

Estonia stands out as a pioneer in blockchain adoption, having utilized the technology since 2012 to safeguard medical information and streamline transactions. Currently, 95% of Estonian healthcare data and 99% of prescription information are digital, with the country's entire healthcare billing system operated on the blockchain.

Being one of the most widely used technology trends in healthcare industry, blockchain finds various use cases across the industry:

  1. Patient Record Management. Blockchain-based systems address the challenge of getting a comprehensive view of a patient’s full history and ensuring its security. What’s important blockchain technology doesn't store the actual medical data itself; rather, it contains unique hash functions that serve as digital fingerprints of the information. Access to these hash functions is strictly controlled and requires the patient's authorization, ensuring confidentiality, and data integrity, and minimizing the risk of healthcare data breaches.
  2. Supply Chain Transparency. Blockchain enables tracking items from the manufacturing point at each stage of the supply chain process. Ensuring the authenticity of medication is a top priority for the medical industry, especially in developing markets where counterfeit prescription drugs lead to tens of thousands of deaths annually.
  3. Medical Staff Credential Verification. Just as blockchain technology can trace the origin of medical products, it can also monitor the qualifications and experiences of medical professionals. Trusted medical institutions and healthcare organizations can securely record their staff's credentials on the blockchain, simplifying the hiring process. For instance, ProCredEx, based in the US, has created a credential verification system using the R3 Corda blockchain protocol.                    
blockchain in healthcare

# IoT and Medical Devices

Wearable sensors are undoubtedly one of the healthcare technology trends 2024. The technology has made significant advancements in detecting physiological and biochemical markers, holding great promise for early disease diagnosis and chronic diseases monitoring. These sensors monitor vital signs like body temperature, arterial oxygen saturation, and breathing rate. Here are some examples of emerging wearable medical devices:

  1. ADAMM by Health Care Originals. This device combines hardware and cardiopulmonary-tracking software to monitor respiration, heart rate, temperature, and more.
  2. Embrace 2 by Empatica. Designed for epilepsy patients, this wrist-worn device detects seizures and sends alerts to caretakers.
  3. SEERS’ Bio Patch by Seers Technology. A wireless device that tracks heart rate, respiration rate, and more.
  4. Leaf Sensor by Leaf Healthcare Inc. This device monitors a user’s turn frequency, turn angle, and tissue damage caused by returning blood flow, thereby preventing pressure injuries.
  5. Ava by Ava Science Inc. Worn as a bracelet, this device tracks female fertility in real-time.                    
smart medical devices in healthcare

Of course, there are many more examples of wearable technology and medical devices that are now widely used. From smartwatches that track daily activity levels to wearable ECG monitors that provide continuous heart monitoring, the range of options continues to expand. These devices are not only revolutionizing personal health management but also transforming the way healthcare professionals monitor and diagnose patients remotely.


HL7, or Health Level Seven, serves as a vital global standard facilitating seamless communication among healthcare providers and the software platforms integral to managing patient data, billing processes, and remote patient management. The introduction of FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) in 2014 marked a significant leap forward in healthcare interoperability. FHIR incorporates the most advantageous aspects of earlier standards, including HL7 v2 and v3, alongside Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), and leverages modern web service technology. This innovative approach streamlines data exchange, enhances interoperability, and promotes greater efficiency across the healthcare ecosystem.

Why are more healthcare providers switching to FHIR?

  • FHIR simplifies data exchange between healthcare systems, improving interoperability.
  • Its modern architecture allows for more efficient data retrieval and processing.
  • FHIR's flexibility accommodates evolving healthcare needs and standards.
  • Adoption of FHIR reduces healthcare costs associated with legacy systems and data integration.
  • Patients benefit from increased access and control over their health information through FHIR-enabled systems.

Here's a timeline showing the development of HL7 standards.


If you're keen on diving deeper into this one of the information technology trends in healthcare, we've got a blog post that breaks down the distinctions between FHIR and HL7.

Which Healthcare IT Trends Have Become Obsolete?

As medical technology continues to evolve, some IT trends in healthcare become obsolete and are replaced by more innovative and advanced healthcare solutions. Here is a list of healthcare IT trends that are no longer relevant:

#1 Legacy EHR Systems

Older, legacy healthcare records systems that lack interoperability, user-friendly interfaces, and advanced features have become obsolete as healthcare facilities transition to more modern and integrated solutions.

#2 On-Premises Server Infrastructure

With the rise of cloud computing and the availability of secure and scalable cloud solutions, the need for on-premises server infrastructure has decreased significantly.

#3 Standalone Software Applications

Standalone software applications that operate independently without connectivity to other systems or networks are being replaced by interconnected medical devices that can share data in real-time and integrate with medical records for comprehensive patient monitoring and care.

#4 Paper-Based Processes

Traditional paper-based processes for patient registration, appointment scheduling, and billing are being replaced by digital solutions to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility of patient information.

#5 Siloed Data Repositories

Historically, healthcare data has been stored in siloed repositories, making it challenging to access and utilize information across different platforms and applications. As healthcare organizations prioritize interoperability and data exchange, the trend towards breaking down data silos and implementing unified data platforms is gaining momentum.

Concluding on the evolution of information technology trends in healthcare, we can see that the industry is continually adapting to embrace more efficient and effective solutions. 

Closing Thoughts: Healthcare Tech Trends

The healthcare IT industry trends will redefine the whole structure of the industry and completely re-imagine the way healthcare organizations operate.

However, the successful implementation of top healthcare technology trends into various business processes requires assistance from the software vendor that has deep experience in industry-specific technology, regulations, and compliances.

inVerita is a custom healthcare software development company with a special focus on data security and privacy standards for healthcare companies. We have successfully delivered various products from telemedicine software to dose-controlled prescription medication delivery systems. 

If you need a consultation on how you can integrate these IT trends in healthcare into your product, fill in the form and we’ll arrange a call with you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the top technology trends shaping the healthcare industry?
In 2024, the healthcare industry is witnessing significant advancements driven by key technology trends. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are revolutionizing predictive analytics and personalized treatment planning, while telemedicine and remote patient monitoring are expanding access to healthcare services. Wearable health technology continues to evolve for continuous monitoring, complemented by innovations in nanomedicine for targeted and precise interventions. Blockchain technology ensures secure data management, enhancing interoperability and patient privacy, alongside the adoption of HL7 FHIR standards for seamless information exchange. Emerging technologies like 3D bioprinting enable the creation of complex tissue structures and organs, while digital twins offer virtual simulations for enhanced medical training and patient care.
What collaborations and partnerships are emerging between technology companies and healthcare providers to drive innovation?
Tech giants like Google, Apple, and Microsoft are partnering with healthcare organizations to develop solutions such as wearable devices, health-tracking apps, and cloud-based platforms for managing patient data securely. Telecommunication companies are teaming up with healthcare providers to improve connectivity and enable remote health monitoring and telemedicine services. Pharmaceutical companies are collaborating with tech firms to leverage AI and data analytics for drug discovery and personalized medicine. Startups specializing in digital health are partnering with entire hospitals and clinics to pilot new technologies and streamline care delivery processes.
What are the key drivers behind the continued evolution of healthcare technology?
The ongoing evolution of healthcare technology is driven by various factors. Advancements in medical research introduce new technologies and treatment methods, enhancing patient outcomes and healthcare delivery. Growing demand for efficiency and cost-effectiveness prompts the adoption of technologies like electronic health records and telemedicine. Rising patient expectations for convenient access to care drive the development of patient engagement platforms and remote monitoring solutions. Regulatory requirements and industry standards shape the implementation of healthcare technology to ensure compliance, data security, and interoperability. Disruptive technologies like AI and blockchain accelerate innovation in healthcare delivery and diagnostics. Global healthcare challenges underscore the need for innovative solutions, driving the use of technology in disease surveillance and outbreak management.
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