Employees say remote work makes their lives easier and helps them create a positive work-life balance while some managers still worry that remote work could cause the quality of work to suffer. Today, the majority of world companies have gone remote. We don’t have another choice but to get accustomed to the new reality and ensure the work is done properly, on time, and without stress.
Getting High Effectiveness and Results — Tips on How to Manage Remote Teams
Daily Check-in
Productivity in any workplace, online or offline depends on how well-developed the structures are. Remote team management might be a little more difficult as there is a bigger risk of being “disconnected”. So it’s necessary to set daily check-ins, meeting times, channels of communication, and deadlines.
One-on-One Conversations
Communication is arguably the most widespread problem when it comes to managing remote employees. Even if you can connect with your virtual teams every day, a lack of personal interaction may negatively impact the relationship between you and your team members. Therefore we recommend arranging personal video calls with members of your virtual teams to maintain company culture in multiple time zones.
Setting Up the Boundaries
Introduce the rules to your distributed team at the beginning of your cooperation. Try to omit phrases such as “quickly”, “properly”, etc, as they may confuse team members. Setting clear deadlines, goals, and requirements works much better. Clear timetables for meetings and professional communication are also essential if you work in different time zones.
Social Interactivity
As a team leader, you must ensure that none of your team members feel isolated. Creative use of technology will help mitigate the risk of social isolation. Various games, quizzes, meetings, and 24/7 open chat rooms will make your employees feel socially active and engaged.
How to Choose the Right Remote Work Software
Here are tools for managing remote employees that will definitely come in handy while organizing the workflow, paying the bills, tracking time, and even hiring remotely.