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Based on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics research, the number of software engineering positions by 2028 will grow by 21% increasing the gap between supply and demand, which makes IT staffing almost an impossible mission.

But what if we told you that you could hire top Angular developers for less than no time, would you believe us?

We’ll share with you tips and ways how and where you can find Angular developers for a reasonable price.

What steps should you take?

1. Define project requirements

First and foremost, create a well-written description of the project so that software engineers (or software development company representatives) could accurately assess whether they possess the necessary expertise to work with you. The more precise you are in describing your needs the more equipped team you will be able to find for your software project.

2. Determine the hiring model

“Should I hire freelancers to develop software projects?”

“Do I build an in-house team?”

“Should I hire dedicated Angular developers instead?”

Neither of the three preceding options is wrong. The best option depends upon the circumstances, your needs, and resources that you want to invest. Those who have had amazing experiences working with dedicated teams may be praising outsourcing, while those who didn’t may prefer other hiring models. Let’s define what each concept means and figure out their advantages and disadvantages.

What is an in-house team?

Having an in-house team means selecting and hiring full-time employees to build your project instead of seeking outside help. This model has multiple benefits. Regular employees are more dedicated and always available; they have an opportunity to grow and are long-term committed. However, finding skilled local employees and building an in-house team is challenging and pricey. Companies are either unable to find the right talent because they are working for other companies or those who are available charge too much

You can hire Angular developers in-house by placing a job posting on websites like Indeed or Glassdoor.

What is outsourcing or dedicated Angular developers?

Working with dedicated teams is the process of hiring an outside organization to develop a project for you.

Benefits of hiring dedicated teams:

Less costly and time-consuming. Those who choose to partner with a software development company spend less time interviewing and don’t cover administrative and recruiting costs.

Outsourcing is perfect for both long and short-term projects.
Working with an outsourcing software development company means that you can adjust the number of your team members and project duration to your needs and avoid paying developers who are sitting on a bench.

Nonetheless, as with any other approach dedicated teams model has downsides. There might be some issues with communication and data safety.

To avoid these pitfalls, we recommend choosing a vendor from a country with a similar mentality, excellent English-speaking skills, and signing a nondisclosure agreement (a legal contract that prohibits someone from sharing confidential information).

You can hire Angular developers by choosing a software development company on Clutch, a website that has a huge database of vendors with structurally presented data.

What is freelancing?

A freelancer is a self-employed person who works on a per-project basis and may have multiple clients at one time.

By hiring a freelancer company pays less than for a dedicated team, especially if they’re from overseas. Freelancers can work the exact amount of time your project requires. Furthermore, it’s easier to find someone with the necessary set of skills because your search isn’t restricted to your local area.

Downsides of hiring freelancers

Freelancers aren’t permanent employees and they might not be available immediately. Moreover, your job might not be their priority. And sadly, similar to outsourcing companies, freelancers may mishandle sensitive data.

If you see that freelancing is a lucrative option for you visit platforms like Upwork and Fiverr — they are the best for finding suitable candidates.

Experience and expertise

A software engineer’s career ladder has three levels: junior, middle, and senior. Being familiar with the skill-sets graduation will help you to choose genuine experts.

What are the essential skills for junior, middle, and senior Angular developers?

Junior Angular developer must possess front-end skills that include HTML, CSS, core JavaScript, AngularJS, or Angular framework, as well as libraries such as Angular components, NGX Bootstrap, or Prime NG. Experience with RESTful API interaction is also mandatory.

Middle Angular developer should be able to work with other JavaScript-based front-end frameworks such as React, besides front-end fundamental skills. What’s more middle Angular developer knows how to deal with back-end development (RESTful APIs, Node.js, and databases) on the basic level.

Senior Angular developer specializes in both front-end and back-end and possesses all the skills mentioned above.

Rates: How much does it cost to hire software developers in different countries?

According to Neuvoo, one of the world’s largest job-search websites, the average Angular developer salary in the USA is $111,790 per year. Junior positions start at $78,000 per year while senior workers make up to $156,000 per year.

As reported by Glassdoor, the average salary of an Angular developer in the United Kingdom is £47,912 per year.

According to Glassdoor, Indian developers make around $6,221 on average.

In Ukraine and other European countries, the average salary is around $20,000 for middle Angular developers and $45,000 for high-level experts.

Candidate review and selection process

When you come up with a hiring model and country, create a list of candidates, begin reviewing and interviewing developers, or get in touch with vendors that fit your project requirements.

If you decide to work with software development company recruiters will create a favorable schedule for you and developers and carry out the whole hiring process themselves if needed. You just have to prepare the questions for the online or face-to-face interview.

If you decide to handle everything on your own, you’ll have to interview all candidates and create schedules on your own, which may take much working time.


Let’s sum up the steps you should take to hire top Angular developers:

  1. Define project requirements and describe what skills you’re looking for.
  2. Determine the hiring model. Weight the risks and advantages of your project.
  3. If you choose outsourcing or freelancing, decide what country will be the best for you to work with.
  4. Get in touch with the candidates or a vendor.
  5. Review available candidates and check out their expertise by interviewing the developers you are interested in.
  6. Choose the best Angular developers.
  7. Get the ball rolling!

If can’t make up your mind, you can message us to receive a free consultation.

If you already decided to entrust your project to a software development company, inVerita is here to help.

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