Medallion is a USA-based startup, launched in 2020. Medallion’s goal is to employ software to address back-office processes that patients, in this example, never see yet are critical to the relationship. Healthcare practitioners must be licensed in the state where the patient is situated, whether they are physicians, nurses, or mental health counselors. This can be a difficult undertaking, given that there are more than 150 distinct state-level boards that license physicians in the United States, each with its own set of standards. People may use the Medallion portal to enroll and authenticate providers, track compliance standards, and connect to important programs like Medicare. Smart notifications keep teams informed about essential facts, allowing professionals to focus on patient care rather than worrying.
Digital technology has already changed the conventional way we educate ourselves for a long time and for this very reason the field of Educational Technology has already become one of the hot industries for startups.
Whether it’s simple online access to study materials, online classes or courses, adaptive learning, or gamification, there’s something for everyone in this field. The online education market is booming and with the emergence of COVID-19, investment in this industry worldwide has increased like never before. So, according to EdSurge research, venture capital interest in EdTech solutions is very strong. Venture capital reached $16.1 billion in 2020, where two-thirds of the total came from China, second place went to the United States, and third place to India. In 2020, global Venture capital investment in the United States totaled $2.2 billion across 130 acquisitions, up from $1.7 billion in 2019. Many education entrepreneurs are attempting to seize market possibilities in order to develop alternatives that can both sustain and rethink existing educational paradigms in the long term. What is more, it is predicted that by 2025, the online education business is going to be worth $350 billion, and it is only in the United States. As HolonIQ stated, the worldwide EdTech industry will reach $404 billion by 2025, with the market for educational applications increasing by 26% in 2024.
The pursuing are examples of educational technology solutions that are now causing a stir in the industry:
- Online Courses
- Social-Emotional Learning apps
- Language Learning apps
- Immersive Tech
- Coding and Technology
- Early Childhood Learning
- STEM apps
- Learning management systems
As the virus spread, a billion and a half pupils were compelled to leave their usual classrooms. Lots of institutes like universities, colleges, and schools were forced to make speedy solutions in order to meet the requirements of students, parents, and teachers. Technological solutions have improved in effectiveness and accessibility, and they can now expand to millions of users across a variety of industries, including pre-kindergarten, K-12, kindergarten, and school, higher education as well as corporate and customer learning. The need for a variety of digital learning tools for both corporate trainees and regular consumers looking to improve their skill sets has begun to rise. According to a poll conducted by the Times Higher Education, 63% of university executives believe that entire university courses would be available for online study by 2030. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology discovered that the dropout rate for online courses had risen to 96%. This means that modern methods of training using digital technology still have room to develop and improve, and therefore this is a great solution for a startup.
In 2025, companies and businesses will have a great chance to make a difference in the lives of teachers and students. In lots of countries, there are already online courses teaching pupils about non-traditional issues like diversity and sustainability.
A brief list of business ideas to pursue in EdTech:
- Customized solutions
- Live classrooms
- Education platforms
- Instructor courses
- Miscellaneous LMS development services
- Online certification systems
Consider tech enablers with suitable skills if you want to invest in e-learning and education.
Kalam Labs