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Since March 2020, our working patterns have been significantly changed. To prevent spreading the pandemic offices moved to remote work. And while the first few months were tough and unusual, businesses gained a number of benefits from this approach.

Finally, those entrepreneurs who were previously scared of distributing their teams, have understood that the choice of software engineers for hire is not limited by their geographic position and such cooperation can be much more beneficial in the terms of cost, time, and quality.

Some would say “easier said than done”. But actually, the task is not so complicated if you know whom you’re looking for and follow some simple tips.

Tips on how to hire a software developer

Tip 1: Take time difference and language barriers seriously

When you decide to cooperate with a software developer from some distant country, be ready that their mentality may differ a lot from yours. How can it be dangerous for the project? Communication failure, ignoring your vision, not following deadlines, etc. Therefore, a good idea is to learn more about the culture of your future partner, check their English level, and estimate if there are any coinciding hours during your working shifts to arrange the meetings.

Tip 2: Don’t be tempted to pay the lowest price

When you have chosen remote over in-house you have already saved a lot. Don’t try to get software development for free. Hiring a person with doubtful expertise and no security guarantees can not only lead to a project failure but also bring you much more losses in the terms of money and security of your data.

Tip 3: Choose the cooperation model wisely

Depending on if you are looking for long-term cooperation or just need to fill in some gaps in your project, you can choose between hiring freelance developers or signing a contract with an offshore software development company. Below, we are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both.

Hiring an outsourcing vendor

Cost efficiency

Yet, outsourcing is not as cheap as hiring freelancers, still, 59% of companies outsource to reduce their costs as it’s much cheaper than hiring an in-house team. Hiring a dedicated team of developers you save on: recruitment process, social benefits, office and equipment expenses, and finally, on the wage-rates.

Time efficiency

A software vendor takes the responsibility for the project as soon as you’ve signed a contract. Everything from the market analysis to risk assessment and product development rest on their shoulders. And they are to finish it under the deadlines you have set.


Unlike freelance developers, a dedicated team guarantees you finishing a set of tasks in a limited time. Furthermore, they are responsible for the security of your data and hold regular meetings to let you know about the progress in the development process.

Communication issues

If the culture of the outsourced team differs from yours, you may face misunderstandings in the cooperation process. Also, make sure that developers’ English is good enough to understand each other.

Hiring freelance developers

  • Low pricing

Needless to say, hiring freelance developers is the most cost-effective way. You just pay the developer’s rate, that’s it.

  • Narrow-centered expertise

Freelancers usually offer a specific set of skills they are professional in. So, if one indicated in the portfolio, that they’re an expert in Angular.

  • A lot of risks

This is the biggest disadvantage of hiring freelance developers. There is no guarantee that they finish in time, no guarantee that your data won’t be sold to someone else, they are also not obliged to inform you about the project scope, and finally, no one knows if they finish the project at all.

Where to find programmers for hire?

The type of your project dictates what channels of search fit you the best. Depending on if you strive for full-fledged service or short-term support, you may choose some of these sources.

#1 Personal recommendations

Yes, it seems as plain as the nose on your face. But surprisingly, people often fail to think about this option. Though the most trustworthy recommendations come from people who have already hired software developers and can dwell upon the pros and cons of a certain cooperation model as well as recommend where to find software developers. If you personally know any CTOs or tech geeks, they can also give a constructive piece of advice.

#2 Developer forums

Developers forums are a second home for programmers who are eager to continuously upgrade their skills. And it’s a talent pool for hunters who are looking for software developers. The only difficulty is that each community has its own set of rules, therefore, getting into it might be time-consuming. But in case you succeed you may find a developer you were looking for, or someone will recommend them to you.

#3 Developer conferences

Every relatively big city hosts some developer conferences and tech meetups. It’s a perfect place to show your interest and make some useful connections. Even if presented programmers aren’t currently looking for job opportunities, they will definitely appreciate your time and effort and recommend someone. The rule of thumb is that an A-level programmer will recommend only an A-level programmer. So, that may be your lucky ticket.

#4 Freelance platforms

If you’re looking for freelance programmers, visiting some freelance websites might be the best option to choose. On such platforms, you can learn about their experience, look through their portfolio and list of clients. Though whether it’s real or not — remains a secret. The disadvantage of such platforms is that personalities and reviews don’t get verified so literally, anyone can claim to be a developer there. If you still want to have a try, here are some platforms to check: Freelancer, Toptal, Hired, Codementor, Guru, Upwork, and PeoplePerHour.

#5 Outsourcing companies

In the case of choosing an outsourcing company, you don’t have to think of how to find software developers as your vendor will compile the team of software engineers according to your demands. Therefore, the only challenge you face is finding an outsourcing vendor. Clutch, GoodFirms, and Appfutura are independent platforms that give a list of the best software development companies, including general information about the company, its portfolio, and verified client reviews.

#6 Job platforms

You can also search for candidates and publish a job posting on global job platforms such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Remote OK, and When creating a job posting remember to write it consistently and indicate all major requirements for the candidate.

Which type of remote developers is the best for you?

Every project is different. Therefore, we recommend making a choice depending on the scale of your project. But bare in mind: your potential partner should offer hands-on experience, strong development skills, and preferably having all the aforementioned certified by clients’ reviews and portfolio.

In inVerita, we know how to hire software engineers that will meet the needs of any customer. Contact us to get the details about our dedicated teams and examine their portfolios.

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