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“The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces”.

Ukraine has been defending its territory and sovereignty against the russian invasion for more than 8 years. We never invaded russia and never had an intent to do so. But we will defend ourselves, our homes, and our families from Russian occupants as long as we can breathe.

Tonight, our country woke up from siren blaring. It was almost 5 am when Russia started bombing multiple places, cities, and regions.

The attack involved missile attacks from air, airborne and amphibious landings, ground and naval forces. 

inVerita keeps working. We continue delivering digital solutions to our Ukrainian and foreign customers as well as relocating our employees to Lviv from areas close to the heart of the conflicts. And we’ll keep doing it. But we can’t keep silent.

Dear international friends, we need your support today. This is a very severe situation. Ukrainian military and civilians are getting killed as you’re reading this. The actions of the russian president have become an irreversible point for international democracy, human rights, and common sense. We ask for your support.

You can donate to Ukrainian Armed Forces and help our military forces to stop the aggression following these links:

Save Life in Ukraine

National Bank of Ukraine

Speak up about the russian invasion in Ukraine, share this post with your friends, contact your government and urge them to support Ukraine. 

Only united we are strong.

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