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A teacher, a coach, a friend, and an enemy. AI has already started to change the way we learn, work, and entertain and is undoubtedly going to turn the way we do business upside down. 

AI development companies are trying to push this technology as far as it can go, enabling it to do tasks primarily manageable only by the human brain.

What does it mean for the businesses? The answer is simple: companies cannot afford to stand still.

Recent Growth of AI

The risk of the disappearance of human-performed jobs from audio-to-text transcription to translation is now complemented by the huge advancement of AI in the legal field. The famous accounting company PricewaterhouseCoopers is planning to introduce an OpenAI-powered legal chatbot in their professional settings.

Meanwhile, OpenAI, Google, and Meta are actively developing advanced systems that enable the instant generation of images and videos based on textual descriptions.

Other companies are working on bots able to navigate websites and use software apps in a manner akin to human interaction. What is the future of artificial intelligence? Looking ahead, AI in the future will shop online for holiday gifts, outsource minor household chores, track our expenses, and more.

Which Industries Artificial Intelligence Will Change in the Future?

Future of AI in Healthcare

The future of AI in the healthcare industry is very promising. Every time, the inVerita team attends a healthcare conference (it happens really often) there are new development and breakthroughs. 

AI enhances diagnostics, tailors treatment plans, and betters patient outcomes through precise analysis of extensive data, including genetics, health records, and medical images. AI future innovations involve robotic surgeries, personalized drug discovery, and virtual assistants for patient monitoring.

Future of AI in Education

Being introduced in the education sector to assist teachers and students by eliminating boring routine tasks, artificial intelligence in the future has the potential to go much further by providing personalized learning experiences to every student based on their interests and experience, helping in mastering foreign languages, creating smart content, and more.

Future of AI in Transportation

AI plays a crucial role in developing autonomous cars, improving navigation systems, and optimizing traffic flow, ultimately enhancing transportation efficiency, safety, and convenience. Currently, there are no self-driving cars available for public use as those that exist operate only under human drivers’ supervision. However, such companies as Tesla and Waymo have already made a significant shift towards changing the way we move and travel.

Future of AI in Banking

Artificial intelligence is becoming a big deal in banking, and banks are jumping on the AI bandwagon to stay ahead. McKinsey says AI could add a whopping $1 trillion to the banking industry every year. We're already using AI features like chatbots, biometric authentication, and voice banking in our daily financial stuff. And there is undoubtedly more to come.

Future of AI in Customer Services

Many international sellers harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to attract a larger customer base. These technologies excel in recognizing shoppers' needs, understanding their behavioral patterns, executing viral geo-targeting campaigns, and performing various other functions.

Future of AI in Marketing

Likely, you have already encountered some examples of AI applications in marketing without even realizing it. For example, receiving personalized recommendations from the online retailer based on your purchase or browsing history.

AI future development will help marketers create immersive experiences by using augmented reality, AI-powered sentiment analysis, voice search optimization, predictive analytics, and more.

Future of AI in Human Resource Management

Candidate screening, onboarding, and even performance evaluation in the future can be automated with the help of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants. We can expect to see a significantly reduced workload of HR professionals due to new technological advancements that will make hiring and managing employees much easier and faster.

AI Developments to Watch for in the Next 10 Years

AI in the future decade is to bring a wave of transformations:

Customized Healthcare

AI in healthcare

There is an immense potential for AI in drug development. Historically, the journey to discover new medicines has been notably sluggish, with the discovery process extending up to 26 months before initiating clinical trials. AI stands poised to revolutionize this pace, significantly expediting the process by forecasting optimal drug candidates and crafting drugs customized for specific targets. Notably, the inaugural drug entirely designed through AI has commenced clinical trials in China, and projections indicate AI could introduce 50 new therapies within a decade, potentially slashing development costs by billions annually.

AI is also making substantial progress in healthcare diagnostics and treatment. The FDA has granted authorization to a multitude of AI-enabled medical devices, spanning from atrial fibrillation sensors embedded in smartwatches to image reconstruction algorithms designed for disease detection. These innovative tools carry the potential to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility in healthcare.

Several organizations are developing direct-to-patient solutions for triaging and offering advice through voice or chat-based interactions. This approach ensures swift and scalable access to address basic questions and medical concerns. The potential benefits include preventing unnecessary visits to GPs, thereby alleviating the increasing demand for primary healthcare providers. Additionally, for certain conditions, it can offer essential guidance that might otherwise be unavailable to populations in remote or underserved areas.

Educational Resources

AI in education

As AI technology advances, students actively use various tools for their assignments, including NLP and machine learning algorithms, ChatGPT, and an AI Text Generation program that searches the web for article topics and generates original content tailored to the student's requirements.

So, what’s AI future in education?

First of all, advanced AI systems will be able to adjust educational programs, making them more engaging for students. Virtual tutors will provide an interactive learning experience while AI-enhanced assessment tools will track the progress of students and provide real-time feedback.

Secondly, employing AI tools, VR and AR technologies help students learn complex concepts with ease and enhance their emotional awareness and intelligence.

A great example might be Microsoft Mesh which allows students and teachers to interact with each other in virtual space, for instance, working together in a coding environment, elaborate 3D models of scientific concepts, etc.

Self-Driving Vehicles

Self-Driving Vehicles
Source: Business Insider

The surge in the popularity of autonomous vehicles is rapidly gaining momentum. Through the utilization of AI, these vehicles excel in perceiving and predicting changes in their environment, recognizing obstacles, interpreting road signs, and more, surpassing the capabilities of human drivers.

The inception of the self-driving car project by Google dates back to 2009. Subsequently, in 2016, Waymo, an autonomous driving technology company, became a subsidiary of Alphabet, Google's parent company.

Fast forward to 2022, Waymo unveiled a strategic partnership with Uber, marking a significant collaboration where Uber will integrate its autonomous technology into its freight truck service.

Future AI technologies in self-driving cars will become more advanced and interwoven into our everyday lives. According to ResearchandMarkets, in ten years, the autonomous vehicle market is expected to reach between $300 billion and $400 billion which shows a boom in their popularity.

Financial Management

AI in Banking

AI is set to revolutionize financial management in the future. It will continue enhancing daily banking operations, including reporting, data extraction, document classification, and credit scoring, impacting customer satisfaction directly and indirectly. 

AI plays a crucial role in improving compliance monitoring, swiftly identifying potential fraud or money laundering transactions, and safeguarding banks against cyber attacks. 

For instance, deep learning algorithms employed in fraud detection with machine learning have proven to be 50% more effective at identifying fraud and have a 60% lower false alarm probability. In credit underwriting, AI has increased loan accessibility, with algorithms accepting 27% more applications and reducing lending rates by 16%. 

The potential applications of AI in banking are vast, promising to improve efficiency, and freeing up customer service representatives to focus on complex issues.


As technology advances, the artificial intelligence future will be likely closely interconnected with cybersecurity, bringing both: opportunities and challenges.

Current applications of AI in cybersecurity range from automating threat detection and response to enhancing incident management. AI's ability to quickly analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make real-time decisions is crucial in the fast-paced business environment where potential threats are increasingly complex.

However, the rise of offensive AI, designed to evade traditional security defenses, poses new challenges. AI-powered malware, phishing campaigns, and advanced persistent threats demonstrate the potential risks. 

Intelligent Residential Spaces

AI in smart homes

The Artificial intelligence future in smart homes is exciting and promising. As smart city infrastructure keeps evolving, we can predict smart homes to be more connected to city-wide traffic monitoring systems which will potentially reduce commute times.

The growing popularity of voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant can lead to more seamless integration with other house devices, allowing better control and automation. What’s more, these devices could work together to automatically adjust lighting and temperature configurations according to user behavior, eliminating the need for manual input.

Addressing the Climate Emergency

The development of alternative fuels and renewable energy sources has already made a great impact on decreasing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. However, AI technology future can contribute to climate change mitigation even more through energy efficiency, reducing emissions from agriculture and transportation, and improving our ability to predict extreme weather conditions and react to them.

According to the BCG Climate AI Survey, 87% of public and private sector CEOs believe that AI is a critical tool in fighting climate change. 

One of the examples of the deployment of AI-driven research is using it to combat unsustainable practices within the fashion sector (an industry with a record of high emissions). By utilizing machine learning, manufacturers can optimize the supply chain, minimize waste, and monitor resource consumption to foster sustainable manufacturing processes.

AI in climate change
Source: BCG

Myths and Risks of AI That Aren't True

There are some myths about the future of AI: 

#1 AI Will Take Humans’ Jobs

AI technology in the future will reshape industries, necessitating new specializations for individuals. While AI has assumed various roles, offering more complex opportunities, the overall impact could be optimized with a focus on economic considerations. The ongoing pursuit of self-improvement ensures that humans won't face unemployment.

#2 Your Business will be Better without AI

AI strategy is indispensable for businesses aiming at efficient growth and development. Through predictive models and logical analysis of business challenges, it offers myriad effective solutions to foster exponential growth.

#3 The Accuracy of AI Systems is Dependent on Training Data

AI output is often derived from imperfect data, marked by issues like scarcity, imbalance, lack of structure, and low quality. However, accuracy is achieved through meticulous data processing, problem formulation, the use of synthetic data, targeted sampling, and incorporating limitations into models. It's crucial to recognize that AI's accuracy isn't solely reliant on data; instead, it involves a synergy of algorithms, human expertise, and hardware, all contributing equally to the generation of results.

Prepare for the Future with inVerita

The AI revolution is upon us and businesses must adapt to this change. Failing to act means falling behind. Artificial intelligence is already entrenched in a lot of industries and is to extend in the years to come. 

Retailers, educators, automotive manufacturers, energy providers, and healthcare professionals can already see the potential reasonably clearly. 

If you are looking for ways to implement or upgrade AI in your business, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should Companies Implement AI?
Businesses must adapt to the changes that Artificial intelligence technology brings. There are some industries that have already been influenced by the advance of AI and there is more to come. Retailers, educators, automotive manufacturers, energy providers, and healthcare professionals can already see the potential reasonably clearly.                     
Will AI Replace IT?
It’s unlikely that AI will completely replace IT professionals. While AI technologies can automate certain routine tasks and augment various aspects of IT operations, the need for human expertise remains critical.
What is the next big thing after AI?
Several emerging technologies show promise and may shape the future of innovation. They are quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, blockchain and distributed ledger technology, AR and VR, and artificial general intelligence.
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