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The world at the end of 2022 was remarkably changed from when the year dawned. So were we. Despite all the awful things that took place this year, we want to recollect some of the good moments we shared with our colleagues and partners this year. 

Ukraine Stands

When russia invaded Ukraine at the end of February, the bigger part of the world anticipated that Ukraine would fall under russian control in a matter of days. What most people haven’t predicted is the power and spirit of the Ukrainian people who have been fighting valiantly for their lives, freedom, and democratic values. The blue and yellow flag flies in Kyiv and around the globe.

Ukraine Gets Support from the World

The whole world that believes in democratic ideals and values human rights have united to stand with Ukraine. Hosting Ukrainians fleeing from war in their homes, bringing water and baby strollers to train stations, thousands of people gathering in the biggest cities all around the world, military and humanitarian aid, sanctions against an aggressor - a big thank you to everyone who has been helping us in our fight, people, you are incredible!

We Help Each Other

Every Ukrainian contributes to our victory. In our sector, most Ukrainian IT companies monthly donate a share of their income to the army and donate to volunteering organizations. With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, inVerita opened a fund to cover the most urgent needs of the Armed Forces that currently has generated almost $300 000 from the company’s income, volunteer donations of our employees, and our partners. Two of our employees are defending Ukraine from the front and we can’t be more proud of them.

inVerita Opened the Office in Krakow

Having customers from all over the world, we always had an idea to open an office abroad. The war has exceeded our plans and in spring, inVerita officially opened its office in Poland and started hiring talent not only in Poland but in Europe and the US.  

We Keep Growing 

Despite all the anxiety during the first weeks of the war, the work in our teams hasn’t stopped for a single day since February 24. What’s more, inVerita hires new employees and signs new contracts. 47 people joined us in 2022, 81% of which took technical positions at middle and senior levels. 

Permanent US Representation

We believed it - and here we have it! inVerita now is present in the US on a regular basis. Traveling around the Bay, we meet our customers and shake hands personally, not virtually.

People say “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”.  We believe that being in California will help us to penetrate the culture and inspiration of the people we work with day by day and the people whom we will cooperate with in the near future. 

Our Customers Stay with Us

It would be wrong to say that the Ukrainian IT community hasn’t been shaken by the war. So were we. The average days of Ukrainian developers are interrupted by air raid alarms, however, work on the projects hasn’t been stopped. The biggest acknowledgment of our professionalism is that despite the fact that for some companies cooperation with Ukrainian companies seemed like a risky arrangement, 97% of our customers stayed with us. And we’re extremely grateful for such trust and support.

Bringing Healthcare and Medical Expertise to a New Level

The healthcare industry has grown into our main domain. We have significantly expanded our portfolio in building telemedicine, EHR/EMR, and hospital management software, applying new approaches and technologies to secure sensitive medical data.

We Managed to Ensure Flawless Work for Our Employees

QUARTE Enters the Design Market

QUARTE is a digital product design agency with a passion for designing around and for users. It unites a team of seasoned product designers, business analysts, and strategists who leverage the experience of multiple domains across many products to drive effective solutions with users in mind.

We Get New Projects

4 new global customers joined inVerita despite the war and global recession in 2022. Of course, compared to 2021, when we signed contracts with 13 customers it’s not so many. On the other hand, winning new contracts when your country is at war is a big deal. And we are extremely proud to be chosen among so many talented companies around the world.

Global Industries Market Presence 

This year, our team was extremely active in attending conferences on the main industries we work with. HLTH, VERGE, Health Tech Forward, Startup World Cup, Manchester Digital, and many other smaller conferences in the US, UK, Sweden, and Poland.

We are extremely proud to be a part of a community that is challenging the convention through constant learning, networking with industry-leading companies, and using the most sturdy and new technological solutions.

Seventh inVerita’s Birthday Celebration

7 years ago we set off on our journey as a young and ambitious company and now we celebrate our birthday as being already a mature and successful software vendor with 100+ employees and dozens of successful projects. From a small office in Lviv, we have grown to three offices in Ukraine, one in Poland, and permanent representation in the US.

And most important - throughout all these years - we’ve remained loyal to our motto - “It’s all about People”.

All of our colleagues are not just professionals, they are incredible People. We’ve been growing, evolving, and strengthening the Ukrainian economy all these years together side by side.

Competence Management at a New Level 

Competence management in our company has been completely transformed with the help of our HR team to retain highly skilled talent in a competitive market while improving performance and developing leadership employees from within. 

Big US Trip

San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago - our COO set off on a big business trip to visit our customers and discuss possibilities of new partnerships.

Coping with Emotions of War Together

When the war broke out, we didn’t know how we were to cope with our thoughts and emotions. The thing we clearly understood was that it’s easier to handle it together. Common sessions with psychologists, lectures on the history of Ukraine, and talks with the CEO to discuss the feelings, fears, and forecasts helped us to support each other and our mental health.

Saint Nicholas Presents for Our Defenders

Every year, on the 19th of December our employees receive presents from the company. This year, we decided to prepare presents for our defenders instead. Our employees gathered funds for 160 presents in just one evening and the company doubled it. This way, we prepared presents and signed postcards for 320 soldiers gratefully to whom we are alive and keep working.

One More Thanksgiving Together

A lot of us reconsidered the value of Thanksgiving Day this year. Traditionally, in our Lviv office, we gathered at one table and shared good words and a tasty dinner with each other. A lot of our colleagues came from abroad just for this one evening to enjoy the company of each other.

We are Heading to CES 2023

CES is the conference where the world’s biggest brands meet new partners and the sharpest innovators hit the stage. For inVerita, it’s an opportunity to dive into the innovation and meet our customers and partners instead of seeing everyone’s URL.

Final Note

We are driving into 2023 with a big goal - to launch more great ideas and products and a big hope for peace and victory for our country.

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