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Changes are usual for an app configuration. When the user rotates the phone either vertically or horizontally, the keyboard appears. The release of the foldable smartphones, multi-window features for Android, and Catalyst (the project allowing users to run iOS apps on macOS) for iOS, has uncovered unlimited variations of screen sizes. 

If you want your app design to look polished, your app is supposed to appropriately “react” to configuration changes. A lot of Flutter developers often struggle with responsive design in Flutter. In this blog, we’ll share our experience on how to make responsive app in Flutter.

But first of all,

What is Responsive Design?

Responsive design is a design and development technique allowing an application, website or system to adjust to the size of a user’s screen. It will optimize a user’s browsing experience by making a web page/application responsive for the specific device. 

The concept of responsive design lies in using one set of code that adapts to different layout changes corresponding to various devices (smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers). 

Responsive Design Goals:

  1. Larger audience. The more devices an app can be run on, the wider audience it will attract.   
  2. Lead users to the purchase. For sure, there must be an emotional component pushing people to move intuitively on the user path. Simply speaking, it’s thinking ahead about all user stories.   
  3. Brand awareness. A beautiful design makes your brand easy to recognize among competitors.
  4. Improved SEO. Responsive web design enhances search engine optimization through stronger backlinks and better bounce rates.
  5. Improved online and offline browsing experience. The first impression is everything, free your users from zooming and pinching their screens.

There has been a significant audience transition in favor of mobile browsing. Responsive design is the easiest way to reach users across multiple devices and ensures a smooth user experience. 

During the development stage, we use the rule, called “let the mobile version go first”. This approach is convenient because it’s always easier to adjust the design created for mobile devices to a larger screen (the remaining space can be filled with content). In other words, if we have a simple thing we can turn it into a complex thing. The reverse process is more complicated.  

Why Using a Responsive Design in Flutter is a Must?

A Flutter application can run on a mobile device, a tablet, or a TV screen. Mobile devices alone have a wide range of resolutions and sizes of screens. What is more, users can rotate their phones and do so frequently. Some developers decide to disable this feature and lock the application in landscape or portrait mode. Is it a good idea? It might be a solution in some cases but if you value good UX, achieving responsive design in Flutter is definitely a better idea.

Before moving to the Flutter responsive UI tutorial, let’s have a look at how iOS and Android natively handle layouts for various screen sizes.

iOS Approach

The main concepts in iOS for defining responsive layouts are:

1. Auto Layout

Auto layout constraints enable the creation of views that dynamically adjust to various size classes and positions. With the help of constraints, there is no need to manually update frames or positions, they automatically adjust your views to any size changes.

2. Size Classes 

Size classes allow us to distinguish the size of devices and thus help to create adaptable layouts that look good on all sizes and orientations of iPad and iPhone so we can just update the UI.

3. UI Elements 

There are some of the UI elements that help build responsive UI on iOS, for example, UIViewController, UISplitViewController, etc.

Android Approach

The main concepts in Android for defining responsive layouts are:

  • Constraint Layout

Constraint layout is a revolutionary tool that enables us to create a complete UI design with drag and drop features, enhance its performance over other layouts, manages the widgets through a single line of code, and add animations to the UI elements without much effort. However, constraint layout doesn’t solve the issues with devices with big or very little screens.

  • Alternative Layouts

To solve the aforementioned issue, you can use alternative layouts in Android Studio. If you define separate layout files for various screen sizes, they will be automatically switched according to the device’s screen size.

  • Fragments

Instead of separately defining the logic in the process of designing multi-pane layouts for big screen sizes, you can just extract the UI logic into distinct components.

  • Vector Graphics

With the help of Vector Asset Studio in Android Studio, vector graphics can be easily created to support multiple Android screens.

Responsive Design in Flutter

Designers love magic, however, the execution process is not as easy in real life as we want it to be. If you decide to use Flutter, your designers will forget the “it’s impossible” phrase for good.  

To achieve responsive UI in Flutter, it provides many widgets and classes to ease the implementation of the ideas designers may have. It’s a developer’s choice how exactly to implement them in the application. Some of them are:

So, how to make responsive design in Flutter for your users to get the most from Flutter responsive screen?

Keyboard Changes Processing  

In most cases, apps include text fields, and whenever a user interacts with an app the keyboard appears. The Scaffold widget automatically processes the keyboard changes solving linking issues. It has a resizeToAvoidBottomInset field that controls the behavior of MediaQueryData.viewInsets.
Flutter widgets

Using MediaQuery to Define Configuration

Flutter widgets
You can use MediaQuery to get the real-time size of the window. It suggests the size and orientation for the app. MediaQuery widget is useful if you want to make decisions based on the complete context rather than on just the size of the particular widget.
Flutter widgets

Use the LayoutBuilder Class

LayoutBuilder is a simplified version of MediaQuery, created for basic size requests. It is a widget that provides the dimensions of its parent so that you know how much space you have for the widget and be able to build child components accordingly.

From its builder property, you get a BoxConstraints object. You can adjust the display based on the constraint’s properties (device’s height, device’s width, the aspect ratio, or some other property). For example, if your maxWidth is greater than your width breakpoint, return a Scaffold object with a row that has a list on the left. If it’s narrower, return a Scaffold object with a drawer containing that list. When the constraints change the build function runs.
Flutter widgets

Use the OrientationBuilder Class

The OrientationBuilder widget is pretty similar to LayoutBuilder. From its builder property, you get the Orientation object.  Example: use OrientationBuilder to change the number of columns of GridView.
Flutter widgets

Use the FittedBox Class                    

You have to often scale the text depending upon the parent widget size. You can either use fixed values for various platforms or let the widget scale regarding the parent widget size.  

The text is resized accordingly. In general, you can use other types of BoxFit. You can see how each of them behaves in the image below:
Flutter widgets

Use the AspectRatio Widget                    

Flutter widgets

When developing an app, you can neglect its size, but you must take into consideration the aspect ratio. Regardless of the size of the device, it can be either wide, thin or square. Flutter assists you at this point by providing the AspectRatio widget that sizes the child value to a specific aspect ratio ensuring responsive design in Flutter.

Use Flexible and Expanded Classes

Flutter widgets
Flexible and Expanded are two widgets that you can use inside Row, Column, or Flex to give their children the flexibility to expand to fill the available space. The difference is that the Expanded widget requires the child to fill the available space while Flexible does not. You might want to use Flexible and Expanded widgets to get a flexible Flutter responsive UI that works with percentage rather than hardcoded values.
Flutter widgets
Flutter widgets

Use FractionallySizedBox Widgets                    

Sometimes your design calls for dimensions that are relative, for example, a button occupies 80% of the app's width whereas margin takes only 10%. FractionallySizedBox can cope with that.

Wrap the child you want to be sized with FractionallySizedBox. Give it a height and/or width factor (0.8 means 80% of the available size) and use alignment to control where exactly the fractionally sized widget is supposed to be. You can also use FractionallySizedBox with no child for fractionally sized whitespace.

You'll probably want to wrap this FractionallySizedBox in a flexible widget so it plays well with a row or a column.


CustomMultiChildLayout is a more complex widget for Flutter responsive design developed for advanced layout users.    


User-friendly and consistent design must be responsive no matter what device it’s viewed on. Companies whose websites don’t cater to the needs of mobile users are becoming extinct. The primary advantage of responsive design is that websites load fast and without any distortion which means a better online and offline browsing experience.

For companies, responsive applications offer much better versatility at lower development and maintenance costs, bring higher search rankings, and greatly simplify the application monitoring process.

Hopefully, this blog will serve you as a small guide on how to make responsive UI design in Flutter and achieve responsive layout Flutter faster and easier, without a lot of lines of code.

Useful Links

  4. Source  code     

Best of luck,

Nazar Cybulskij, Flutter evangelist and Android developer @inVerita

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