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We as consumers chose brands with great customer service. You definitely remember where and when you’ve purchased the product or service and received a sweet note, discount for the next purchase, or a small gift inside. These lovely gestures aren’t something you get after each purchase, but because of this such companies become our favorite places to shop.

The same approach is applicable to digital products like websites, mobile apps, and desktop software. User experience is as essential for digital products as customer experience to retail businesses.

Let’s analyze what user experience (UX) is, why UX is important, and why it’s worth investing in.

According User Experience Professionals Association user experience is every aspect of the user’s interaction with a product or service that creates the user’s perceptions of the whole.

User experience design is a broad term that includes multiple aspects:

  • interactive map;
  • visual design (user interface or UI);
  • layout;
  • information architecture;
  • brand;
  • readable text;
  • voice tone;
  • interface responsiveness;
  • usability
  • interaction between a user and a product.

UX is always built with customers in mind to improve the usefulness, easiness, marketability, and addictiveness of a product. UX design improves loyalty and customer satisfaction through user-friendliness, smooth interaction, and pleasure.

Why is user experience important? If you use a website or other digital products to attract customers, UX matters a lot.

Let statistics speak for itself.

  • According to Forrester’s research, on average, every $1 invested in UX brings $100 in return.
  • A user-friendly interface can raise your product’s conversion rate by up to 200%, and a better UX design can boost conversion rates up to 400%.
  • Businesses that were less invested in user experience (simply “design-centric” companies) still had their sales increased by 60%.
  • A 2016 design study of 408 different companies found that the more a business focused on design, the more sales they saw.
  • When UX improves the customer experience, it raises KPIs up to 83% in conversion lift.
  • 8 in 10 customers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

Investing in UX design improves return on investment (ROI), search engine optimization (SEO), and helps you to be different from your competitors.

Higher return on investment (ROI)

The first reason why UX is important is higher ROI. Return on investment is a ratio that shows the profitability or loss of investment which helps to pick the most profitable business strategy.

To figure out what stops your potential customers from completing the purchase, use Google Analytics. Based upon the collected data you’ll be able to see what pages need better UX.

If you are in a retail business, try UX techniques that minimize the cart abandonment rate. Allow guests to shop without registering, provide more payment options, enhance the experience of interaction with the product, make the process of buying simple.

Apple wasn’t the first to invent the smartphone, just as Amazon wasn’t the first e-commerce retailer. What they did was change the way we interact with these products, making them easy to use. Such first-rate companies invest millions of dollars in the UX of their products, contributing to sales and revenue growth.

Better SEO

 Why is UX design important for search engine optimization?  

1) A high-quality user experience reduces the bounce rate. Google counts how many people leave your website quickly and it has a strong effect on your site’s position in the search engine. A well-designed UX includes relevant content, fast page loading, and clear design.  

2) User experience design increases dwell time. Dwell time is the time visitors spend on a website, and the more users are involved in the website the better it’s for ranking. What does keep users on your website? Relevant content, and easy to use functionality make users spend a lot of time on your site.

3) UX is all about user-friendliness and aesthetics. These aspects are equally important for search engine optimization. 


Unique product 

After analyzing your competitors you may think that it’s almost impossible to create something different and stand out in the market. It seems that everything you could offer is already there. 

However, despite the thousands of existing digital products, you can still build an app or a website that users will fall in love with. User experience is an intangible technique that helps your visitors to feel like home.

For example, to be different on the market, Uber Eats added to their app a few exclusive features. 

  1. Orders in advance. If you want to order food in a week, Uber Eats allows their customers to track orders throughout this time.
  2. Users have access to comprehensive information about vegetarian and gluten-free meals as well as all food components and calories they want to know about.
  3. Notifications. Users receive notifications about the order preparation stages and delivery.
  4. They made it personal. Personalization is a vital component of the UX strategy. When users mention their locations they receive information about the nearby restaurants and order food out there. What’s more, customers receive a list of dishes that they may like base upon previous orders. 

How can you improve your product’s user experience?

User experience is a whole science behind web design, therefore we decided to create a guide on how you can improve your user experience in one of our next articles.  

If you understand the importance of user experience design but it lays outside of your expertise or you need help, reach out to inVerita UX experts for a free consultation or customized user experience design.

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