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Taking dusty passports from the shelf, a group of three was heading to the airport. First, in a long time, they were going to meet our American partners face to face. Though only two of them arrived at San Francisco airport (hello COVID-19 reality), we understood: it was finally a shift in the pandemic reality

Though the “Corona crisis” in IT was finally over, the companies faced its consequences. No  one exactly knew what post-COVID-19 reality would look like. Would we stay remote, or return to offices? Would customers have the resources and strengths to carry out their projects after economic stagnation? Would IT companies be capable of maintaining their employees for lasing and new projects?

The danger of losing employees, customers, and physical offices enveloped the CEOs. But the world has survived. And the majority of businesses came back to their routine life with a pinch of remote, stronger relationships with team and customers, and new goals for the future.

For inVerita, 2021 became a year of growth, strengthening old and acquiring new partnerships, a year of the continuous evolution of our team, and a rapidly expanding number of its representatives.


Today, we want to share our main achievements, challenges, and memories from 2021 with big appreciation to our loyal team, partners, and those who regularly keep an eye on our progress, read our blogs, and recommend our services.

inVerita in 2021: 5 Key Achievements                    

Expertise and Service Quality Growth

Since 2015, inVerita has built a strong expertise in various areas. Providing high-tier software development services, embedded solutions, Cloud, DevOps, Business Intelligence, Machine Learning & AI, and more, we have achieved recognition as one of the most reliable and professional IT companies in Eastern Europe. The most influential Business-to-Business platform, Clutch, listed inVerita among the top B2B companies

In 2021, we brought our .NET department to a whole new level with a .NET stream competence manager, provided continuous training and certifications for DevOps, quality assurance specialists, project managers, and grew our Product Design stream two times. 

In 2022, we plan to expand the company’s tech expertise and invite more tech leads for our key departments.

Attracting New Clients and Strengthening Cooperation With the Existing Ones 

In 2021, inVerita started cooperation with 13 new customers from different parts of the world. Among them are Fortune 500 and 1000 companies whose software products have an impact on most industries, world leaders in their industries, and a few very promising and innovative startups.

inVerita as a Solution Provider

2021 was very special for us in terms of slow yet confident marketing and business model shift from mostly dedicated team provider model to solution provider/technology consultant positioning on external markets. Powered by Q’UARTE (the product design division of inVerita) we have started to deliver a full cycle of business solutions development (delivering solutions to business challenges our customers have) that help to tackle specific business problems or digitize a certain process within an organization to make operations much more effective through the adoption of custom-built solutions.

Healthcare Domain as One of the Primary Focuses for inVerita in 2021-2022

We are strongly confirmed that the development of domain expertise, focus, and cultivation of gained experience are the main principles of company evolution. Within 2021, inVerita has attracted four influential customers from the healthcare domain, significantly improved approaches to security development and compliance. 

We believe that in 2022, our experience and expertise will help us to support our customers with high-tier solutions, innovative approaches, and we will continue to expand inVerita presence in the healthcare market.

Educational and Social Initiatives

At inVerita, we are strongly confirmed that the change starts with you. Therefore we always try to be active investors in building a better future for our society and talented, educated youth.

inVerita Charity Fund was founded the same day as the company itself, in 2015. From the first day of its functioning, there have been 3 main directions highlighted: education, health, and support of the Ukrainian army. 2021 wasn’t an exception. This year, we actively helped disadvantaged families, provided young talents with scholarships, sponsored youth football, and floorball teams, a few rhythmic gymnasts, young musicians, organized the translation of Os Guinness book and material support for the Ukrainian army.

inVerita - One of the Best Employers in 2021

In 2021, inVerita took second place in the list of the best IT employers in Lviv among 1391 companies that took part in the competition. More than 24k IT specialists evaluated companies in 5 categories: career, working conditions, loyalty, project, and compensation.

This year, we were strongly focused on improving the health and welfare of our employees. Today, we have a health insurance program for all employees, 10 paid sick leaves, 20 days of paid vacation per year,  office-based massage practice, opportunities for free continual English courses of all levels, certifications and courses financed and co-financed by the company, regular performance evaluation, and salary revision. Besides, our team receives partial compensation for sport, in this way, being motivated to have a healthy and sporty lifestyle.

For us, it’s a big honor to receive such feedback from our employees. It shows that we’re moving in the right direction: Our People = Our Strongest Power.                 

The pandemic-induced crisis in IT has left. The market underwent a line of difficulties, Companies were forced to significantly cut down costs, increase layoffs, and turn on “economy mode”. The transition to remote was a challenge that not everyone was ready for and not all have survived. Dismissed IT workers started knocking on the door to recruiters in search of new opportunities. But within a few months, the situation turned upside down. 

Many businesses began to change and actively digitalize. They started to actively look for offshore partners to support their IT infrastructure. The geographical borders became completely blurred, even companies’ former in-house employees have gone online now. 

During the pandemic, the demand for IT specialists increased by 125%. While it might be interpreted as a big benefit for IT companies on the one hand, on the other hand, it has brought huge challenges: how to meet the customers’ needs for IT talent, keep retention high, and organize remote work well?    

inVerita in 2021: 3 Biggest Challenges

Overheated IT Market

90% of IT companies faced market overheating in 2021 which was actually created themselves. As a result, in conditions of fierce competition and rigid time frames, companies became forced to raise wages to lure away engineers from the competitors. The wages in the IT segment have grown by 10-20% compared to summer 2020. 

Recruiters started literally hunting for experienced devs, offering them tempting company perks and higher wages. 

In 2021, “the pulse” of our company became recruitment and constant improvement of the social package of our employees. Our recruiting department has grown more than twice and currently is working with positions from all over Ukraine. This year, we hired 45 new professionals with 75% of them for middle and senior positions.


When a candidate receives 10 offers a day, they start testing the hypothesis: how much can I get? Do they pay me enough? And that’s normal. As an employer, our task is to make our employees approach us and communicate such issues together. If we understand that we can give an internal offer that is no less attractive than the competitors’, we do so.

For inVerita, the loss of an employee is not just loss of expertise, time, and money, it’s loss of a family member and that’s mutual. Our employees appreciate our company culture, benefits, projects, and in the majority of the above-mentioned cases, they decide to stay with us. By 2021, the retention rate has grown by 65%. The average time of employees in the company is around 3 years which is almost twice more than the average in the market.

Work from Home / Hybrid Model

Before the pandemic, we didn’t practice a remote model with our employees a lot. 90% of the time our teams were working from the office. When the quarantine hit, it became clear that the old cooperation model became outdated and we needed to create a new one. Fortunately, the shift to online hadn’t changed the productivity of our teams, we successfully continued carrying out our projects and acquired some new ones. 

In 2021, we completely shifted to a hybrid model. Our employees now can choose between remote, office, or combine them. Though remote works well and is very cost-effective, we cannot deny the importance of face-to-face meetings with team members and clients, and the importance of office culture.

Today, we have employees from different parts of Ukraine, two operating offices in Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk, and an office opening in Kyiv.

Life of inVerita Team in 2021

2021 was a year full of achievements, challenges, and new partnerships. We stayed together, strong, and motivated, appreciating every moment in the circle of our team.

  • Celebrating 6th inVerita birthday and recollecting the most memorable moments together;
  • Painting a large inVerita picture under guidance of the professional artist;
  • A Thanksgiving dinner together with turkey, donations, and blessings;
  • Numerous online parties;
  • Helping a dog shelter in Ivano-Frankivsk together; 
  • Exchanging Secret Santa presents;
  • And much more:)

We are incredibly grateful to our partners and inVerita family for loyalty, fruitful cooperation, continuous learning, and strong support. Having you by our side, we know that we're moving in the right direction. 

Looking forward to new achievements, challenges, and meetings in 2022,



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